Double Degrees & Second Majors
SCIS students can add breadth to their learning by augmenting their computing education with knowledge from other disciplines.
SMU SCIS students can choose to graduate with either a double degree or a second major which makes them more attractive to employers and provides more versatility in their career choices.
SMU SCIS students can choose to graduate with a double degree by combining their discipline with either Accountancy, Business Management, Computer Science1, Computing & Law, Economics, Information Systems1, Law2 or Social Sciences or Software Engineering1 disciplines.
Upon successful completion, students receive two degree certificates.
Prospective students with outstanding academic results may apply for direct entry to the double degree programme.
Current students currently enrolled in a single degree programme and who display exceptional results in their first or second year, can also opt for the double degree programme.
If successful in their application for a second degree, students can take courses from both the programmes they are enrolled in concurrently. They need not take the required courses in any pre-set order, provided the pre-requisite for a specific course has been satisfied, and they can complete the double degree programme in a minimum of 4 years.
SMU SCIS students may also elect for a second major with or without track to augment their knowledge from the many second major options offered by the SMU schools:
Offered by School of Computing and Information Systems
Computing Studies
Only for students from:
- BSc (Computing & Law)
- BSc (Information Systems)
- BSc (Software Engineering) WSDeg
Choose one of the following tracks:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Cybersecurity
- Software Systems
IT Solution Management
Only for students from:
- BSc (Computer Science)
- BSc (Computing & Law)
- BSc (Information Systems)
- BSc (Software Engineering) WSDeg
Technology for Business Solutions
Only for students from:
- BSc (Computer Science)
- BSc (Computing & Law)
- BSc (Software Engineering) WSDeg
Choose one of the following tracks:
- Business Analytics
- Financial Technology
- Product Development
- Smart-City Management & Technology
(New from Term 2, AY2022-23 onwards)
Current students, please refer to the Second Major Requirements in OASIS [Intranet Link for Undergraduate Students Only] for more details.
Jointly offered by School of Computing and Information Systems and Lee Kong Chian School of Business
Offered by Yong Pung How School of Law
- Legal Studies
Offered by School of Accountancy
- Accounting
- Accounting Data and Analytics
- Financial Forensics
Offered by Lee Kong Chian School of Business
- Communication Management
- Communication Management with track in Data, Design, & Communication
- Finance
- Finance with track in Finance Analytics
- Finance with track in Real Estate
- Finance with track in Wealth Management
- Finance with track in International Trading
- Finance with track in Banking
- Innovation & Entrepreneurship
- Marketing
- Marketing with track in Marketing Analytics
- Operations Management
- Operations Management with track in Operations Analytics
- Operations Management with track in Maritime Business & Operations
- Organisational Behaviour & Human Resources
- Quantitative Finance
- Strategic Management
- Sustainability Management
Offered by School of Economics
- Economics
- Economics with track in Quantitative Economics
- Economics with track in Real Estate
- Actuarial Science
- Health Economics & Management
- Data Science and Analytics
1 Information Systems, Computer Science and Software Engineering students cannot enrol in any of the degree programmes offered by SCIS as their second degree, except for Computing & Law.
2 To do a double degree programme at the Yong Pung How School of Law, a student must first be offered admission into the Yong Pung How School of Law, Bachelor of Laws (LLB).