SMU-Accenture Cloud Solutions Development Work-Study Elective in collaboration with Amazon Web Services (AWS) Singapore

This programme is a collaboration between Accenture, AWS Singapore and SMU to develop qualified Infocomm talents in developing cloud solutions. Accenture provides students with the opportunity to undergo a six-month extended internship program and AWS Singapore provides the cloud technology and learning resources. This is open to SCIS students and students with SCIS‘ second major.

Students are required to complete the following:

  1. IS492 Cloud Solution Development Work-Study Elective (six-month internship)

Upon successful completion of the above requirements, students will receive a certificate of completion co-branded by Accenture, AWS and SMU.

Programme Coordinator

OUH Eng Lieh's photo
Assistant Professor of Computer Science (Education)
Director, BSc (IS) Information Systems Major

If you have further enquiries related to this Work Study Programme, please email the programme coordinator or

You may refer to the latest FAQs [Intranet] 

What are the Programme Benefits?

This programme provides the following benefits:

  • Ensure the continued competitiveness of Singapore’s Infocomm manpower

  • Collaborate with Accenture and AWS Singapore to develop qualified Infocomm talents in developing cloud solutions

  • Incorporate industry or career certification in the undergraduate study for SMU students to equip them with professional and technical skills to increase employability

  • Provide SMU students with the necessary knowledge and skills to deepen career-based knowledge and gain industry experience

Who are eligible?

  • Must have completed at least two semesters of course work

  • Have a good academic standing (not under probation)

  • Able to complete the degree program within four years of candidature

  • Must have no prior disciplinary records


Before May

  • Student completes required SMU course(s). Please refer to the IS492 course design [ Intranet ].

  • Student completes AWS Academy course on Cloud Architecting. Passing of an associate level AWS certification preferred (e.g., Certified Solution Architect – Associate, AWS Certified Developer – Associate, Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate)

May - November

  • Six-month internship at Accenture from May to November

  • Enrolment in IS492 Cloud Solution Development Work-Study Elective

  • Option to complete at most 2 CUs at SMU in Term 1, August to November (1 day a week)