SMU-University College London Integrated Programme

  • One of SMU SCIS's

    • BSc (Information Systems) : Information Systems
    • BSc (Information Systems) : Smart-City Management & Technology 
    • BSc (Computer Science) : IT Solution Development 
    • BSc (Computing & Law) 
    • BSc (Software Engineering)


  • One of UCL's 

    • MSc Urban Spatial Science 
    • MSc Connected Environments 
    • MRes Urban Spatial Science 

The SMU-University College London Integrated Programme allows promising students of Singapore Management University (SMU) to graduate in as short as four years, with an SMU SCIS undergraduate degree and a CASA MSc/MRes (MSc Urban Spatial Science, MSc Connected Environments or MRes Urban Spatial Science) from University College London (UCL).

Students enrolled in this programme will begin their undergraduate studies at our school and complete their master’s degree at UCL’s Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA), UK’s largest multidisciplinary faculty of the built environment in an elite and world-renowned university.

Programme Coordinator

LO Siaw Ling's photo
Assistant Professor of Information Systems (Education)
Mentor, SCIS Pedagogy Course

Students are encouraged to apply for scholarships concurrently to finance the pursuit of the integrated programme.

SMU Global Impact Scholarship

The SMU Global Impact Scholarship is a premier flagship scholars' award that is dedicated to nurture a new generation of leaders, committed to helping to solve complex global and local challenges, thus making an impact on society.

SG Digital Scholarship (Undergraduate)

Unlike a typical government scholarship, the SG Digital Scholarship (Undergraduate) will give you the freedom to forge your own tech- or media-related career path in a company of your choice*.

*Subject to IMDA’s approval.

Leveraging Mutual Strengths

SMU SCIS bachelor’s degrees train graduates in computing technology and practical solution development, focusing on areas such as, digital transformation and sustainable living. Its interdisciplinary teaching combines computing with other disciplines like social science, management and law to address challenges and opportunities arising from the digital economy. The curriculum empowers students with skills to enable transformation, protect technological innovation, and assess and manage business risks and innovations in technology.

UCL’s Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis is the highest-ranked institution for architecture in the UK and Europe. It is globally recognized for its multidisciplinary approach to the built environment and city planning. In particular, its MSc in Urban Spatial Science equips students with a critical perspective on approaches to understanding, monitoring and improving global resilience and sustainability through the use of data together with spatial analytics skills for data-informed decisions. The MSc Connected Environments program focuses on building, coding and deploying devices to sense, communicate and analyse data in relation to our built and natural environments while addressing the challenges of our ever-changing environment. On the other hand, the MRes Urban Spatial Science program equips students with a multi-disciplinary perspective and practical approaches to understanding, monitoring and improving global urban resilience and sustainability through the use of data and spatial analysis.

The bachelor’s degrees at SMU SCIS synergize well with UCL's CASA MSc/MRes programs. SMU students can apply their technology solutioning and analytics skills to address spatial and urban planning challenges, contributing to the development of more resilient and sustainable urban environments.

Refer to the respective programme websites for details of the curriculum:

Timeline at a Glance

This programme provides SMU SCIS undergraduate degree programme students with an integrated progression from a Bachelor degree to a Master degree while offering two timeline options. Both options begin with three years of undergraduate studies in SMU but differ in where the fourth year is spent.

SMU SCIS Undergraduate Degree Programmes

3 or 4 years


1 year

In the first option, students who achieve a GPA (Grade Point Average) of 3.6* or above at the end of Year 2 will be eligible to apply for admission to UCL's CASA MSc/MRes, with conditional acceptance, students can plan for an accelerated path and apply to relevant scholarships.

Upon completing their SMU SCIS’s bachelor degree at the end of Year 3, students with in-principle acceptance by UCL and have achieved a GPA of 3.3 or above will be eligible to pursue CASA MSc/MRes at UCL in their fourth year.

The second option offers a "4+1 years" progression opportunity where students complete the typical 4 years of SMU’s bachelor degree before proceeding to apply for the UCL’s CASA MSc/MRes (1 year), subjected to UCL’s admission evaluation and GPA requirement of 3.3 and above.

Admissions Processes

Admittance to SMU SCIS undergraduate degree programmes is required to be part of the integrated programme.

1A. Entering Students

For incoming students, you can find information about applying for admission to SMU here.

Students who are Singapore Citizens are also encouraged to apply for the SG Digital Scholarship (Undergraduate) concurrently or one year before commencing university studies.

Entering students will be informed of admission application outcome in June.

1B. Current Students

For current students with an eligible GPA as stipulated above and a strong leadership record while studying here, you can apply to the Accelerated or Integrated Programme.

Submit your application (intranet link) to the programme coordinator.

*Note: GPA scores which are close to the stipulated GPA may also be considered.