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Team IsCooL won 2nd Prize at IEEE CCNC 2013’S Project Hawaii Mobile Code Jam

SIS Student Life

SIS Students George CHEN, Edward LAY Yong Shun and LEE Hui Min entered the Project Hawaii Mobile Code, part of the 10th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (Jan 11-14, 2013).

They won 2nd place with their application Elves and Arrows.

'Elves and Arrows' is a cloud-enhanced 2-player shooting game on the Windows Phone. It employs finger-gestures based firing,  compass guided orientation to aim at opponent, and camera feeds of surrounding elements to grab matching colours needed to resupply ammunition and power-up. With the underlying utilization of Microsoft Project Hawaii's services and FlatRedBall as the game engine, players can challenge one another online in the virtual world.

The game provides a whole new experience to mobile gaming by adding in elements of Augmented Reality and multi-player capability. As people are seeking new content, we provide a new way of gaming that lets users immerse themselves to their surroundings.

Team IsCool, said, "An average person has 45 minutes of waiting time a day. In today’s rich media first world, people are actively looking for fresh content to fill up waiting time – be it news, email, games, communication - and this creates a big market for light weight and short games. Our goal is to satisfy people’s craving with a 5-10mins short game that’s suitable to be played during short waits for buses, in between classes, breaks during work etc; providing them with short but rich and engaging game mechanism that brings the virtual game to their environment."

Demo Video (Walkthrough):