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AY2024-25, Term 2 (January 2025) application is open from 1 February 2024 to 30 June 2024.
AY2024-25, Term 1 Intake (August 2024) is open from 1 November 2023 to 30 April 2024.
Postgraduate Research Programmes

PhD in Computer Science (PhD CS)
PhD in Information Systems (PhD IS)
Our PhD programmes develop researchers/educators who address deep technology challenges in real computing systems that impact society or business, or who develop tools and methodologies to translate societal challenges or business goals into technology solutions.

Master of Science in Computing (MSC)
This programme is designed to enhance your knowledge and skills by providing you with a broad view of information systems, in addition to valuable hands-on experiences. If you are interested in developing new technologies and creating innovative applications, the Master of Science in Computing will be ideal for you.

Master of Philosophy in Information Systems (MPhil IS)
This programme is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in the specialisations of data management and analytics, information security & trust, information systems management, intelligent systems and decision analytics, or software systems.