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Research with Integrity leads to Excellence in Research

The Office of Research held its bi-annual information session on 3 September 2013
Associate Professor Gary Greguras, IRB Chairman,  shared on the IRB's key processes and policies.   Professor Steven Miller, Vice Provost (Research), shared on the new IRB training programme known as the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI).

The Office of Research (ORe) held its bi-annual information session on 3 September 2013 to share with SMU faculty, staff and students on the Institutional Review Board’s (IRB) key processes and improvements, as well as to address their concerns about IRB, which aims to protect human subjects in research.

Conducted jointly by Associate Professor Gary Greguras, IRB Chairman and Professor Steven Miller, Vice Provost (Research), the audience was given a briefing on the new IRB training programme known as the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) to enhance the integrity of researchers and staff conducting human subjects research in SMU.

ORe would like to thank everyone who took time off from his or her commitments and to those who provided feedback. It was indeed an engaging and fruitful session. If you were unable to join us, do feel free to contact our IRB Secretariat or visit our website for more information.