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App to help visually disabled find their way part of tech showcase with a community focus

EyeGuide was one of several student projects showcased yesterday at SMU's campus. They were developed as part of an Internet of Things course SMU introduced in August last year. The EyeGuide app can track a user's location and, by communicating with devices installed at various places, it can verbally update a person about his surroundings and where he is. EyeGuide also tracks the most popular places the visually disabled visit and the paths they take. SMU Associate Professor of Information Systems (Practice) Tan Hwee Pink said that the university introduced the Internet of Things course to create "enabling infrastructure to build a Smart Nation", as the Government has announced plans for Singapore to become a Smart Nation, in which technological solutions are developed to improve the country's future. Many of the projects for SMU's course showcased on Wednesday had a community focus and aimed to solve problems in society. This included helping the elderly, seafarers and voluntary welfare organisations.

STO_20160414_1.pdf (87.14 KB)