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Double the advantage on the fast track

SMU School of Information Systems undergraduate Beh Min Yan was featured in The Straits Times “Scholar’s Choice 2016”. A recipient of the National Infocomm Scholarship, which is offered by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore, Ms Beh is currently pursuing a fast-track Bachelor-Masters scholarship. Under the fast-track programme, she will spend two years at SMU, followed by two years at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in the United States. She is studying for a double degree, the Bachelor of Science (Information Systems) and Bachelor of Business Management. “This is a great opportunity to get the best of both worlds: an overseas education grounded by industry exposure in Singapore,” said Ms Beh. “Not only can I obtain rewarding internship and research opportunities in SMU, these experiences will be greatly value-added in CMU, which is also one of the top universities in the world reputed for its courses in technology.” In her two years in SMU, Ms Beh has taken part in case competitions (where she conducts company and industry analyses of actual companies and presents her findings), participated in data analytics competitions, visited start-ups in India as part of a technopreneur study mission organised by SMU, and went to Cambridge University in Britain for a three month summer exchange programme. On her own initiative, she also landed an internship for next year with Palantir Technologies, a Silicon Valley software and services company specialising in data analysis.

[Featured Photo: Beh Min Yan]

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