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Originally Us co-founder makes apps work for him

SMU School of Information Systems alumnus Tay Wei Kiat was featured in a Straits Times article, which highlighted his achievements as co-founder of mobile app development house Originally Us. It has created more than 30 apps for clients since it started in 2014. One of its most successful apps is SG BusLeh, which gives the arrival times and locations of buses. The free app has almost 200,000 downloads and is the third highest-rated transportation app in the Android store here, after Grab and Uber. His latest app is HoiPOS, a mobile point-of-sale (POS) system for food and beverage establishments which collects data such as the average time required to prepare each food item. The app is used by Caffebene, a South Korean café chain that has a store at VivoCity.

[Featured Photo: Tay Wei Kiat]

ST_20160307_5.pdf (213.93 KB)