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Future Economy committee zooms on 5 areas

Speaking at the annual Public Policy Challenge organised by the Public Service Division on 24 September, Minister in the Prime Minister's Office Chan Chun Sing revealed that the committee tasked with charting the blueprint of Singapore's economic future has zeroed in on five key areas: the digital economy, jobs and skills for the future, Singapore as a connected city, innovation, and governance. These themes will be covered in an upcoming report by the Committee on the Future Economy (CFE), which will be making its recommendations on how Singapore should position itself in the years ahead. This year, 430 tertiary students competed to come up with strategies for the digital economy, one of the key themes the recommendations by the CFE will centre on. At the event last Saturday, SMU political science student, Cliff Tan, whose group was among four that won the challenge, said that while he welcomes the opportunities the digital economy brings, he is concerned about those it may leave behind. "I hope that labour unions are able to project what is required of future industries ahead of time to help individuals figure out how they can get there," he said.

[Featured Photo: Minister in the Prime Minister's Office Chan Chun Sing. Image Source: ST FILE]