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Technology and the Future of the Service Industry

In an interview with a news programme, SMU Provost and Lee Kong Chian Chair Professor of Social Sciences Professor Lily Kong shared her views on the impact of technology on the future of the service industry. While she noted that some service functions will become automated and that advances in technology may displace certain types of work, there will be a portion that will not be affected as “people would still want to have choices”. Prof Kong explained that people might opt to purchase their food from a vending machine when they are rushing for time but in times when they want to have a proper meal with their family and friends, they would want to have the option of dining in a restaurant where they can interact with the service staff. Prof Kong opined that it is impossible for a society to be run completely by machines and computers without any form of interpersonal communication, adding that some people would not be able to keep pace with the changing times.