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Katoen Natie pioneers driverless truck at ExxonMobil's petrochemical complex

Commenting on Katoen Natie’s successful expansion of its driverless truck project at ExxonMobil’s petrochemical complex, SMU Associate Professor of Operations Management (Practice) Lieven Demeester, who guided students in his previous role as Associate Dean of MBA Programmes said, “We are proud of our MBA students. They helped Katoen Natie identify the technology partners, initiate a productive collaboration between them, and assure the financial viability of the project.”

According to Katoen Natie’s Chief Executive Officer Mr Koen Cardon, in addition to its partnership with the Economic Development Board which was key for the realisation of the project, “many other parties including a team of MBA students from SMU and the IE Business School have been pivotal for the project.”