As the technology scene globally and in Singapore continues to race towards more innovation and disruptive solutions, firms may inadvertently tread into murky waters in areas such as privacy, fake news and intellectual property. Traditional lawyers and programmers may not be able to navigate this intersection due to limits in their training, said SMU Assistant Professor of Computing and Law Lim How Khang. To equip more graduates to work at the growing intersection between law and technology, Asst Prof Lim helped to set up SMU's four-year Computing and Law undergraduate course. The first cohort – with 21 students – has just finished its first year of study. Students take modules from both the university's law and computing faculties, taking an even split of modules across the two fields. Asst Prof Lim said that when they graduate, students will be able to find work in various places like tech or legal firms, in roles that may not exist yet.