Physician-Patient Interactions in Online Healthcare Communities: The Effects of Preconsultation on Service Delivery and Patient Satisfaction Speaker (s):  ZHAO Anqi PhD Candidate School of Computing and Information Systems Singapore Management University
| Date: Time:
| | 20 June 2024, Thursday 10:30am - 10:50am
Meeting Room 5.1, Level 5 School of Computing and Information Systems 1, Singapore Management University, 80 Stamford Road, Singapore 178902
Please register by 19 June 2024.

About the Talk Preconsultation by dedicated medical professionals is commonly employed to improve consultation efficiency for offline healthcare services but rarely deployed for online services. To increase online consultation efficiency, online healthcare platforms (OHPs) can enable consultation physicians to ad hoc source for preconsultation professionals within the platform. Using comprehensive service data from an OHP, this study scrutinizes the effects of crowdsourcing preconsultation from both physician and patient perspectives. The findings reveal that crowdsourcing preconsultation significantly increases the consultation physician’s response speed, length, and provision of informational support, with a consistent level of emotional support for patients. This service improvement stems from enhanced professionalism and comprehensiveness of patient case information through preconsultation that reduces information seeking and clarification of the consultation physician. Paradoxically, the improved service delivery is accompanied by a decline in patient satisfaction because the use of preconsultion delays patients’ access to the consultation physician. Unlike other crowdsourcing services, the positive effect of preconsultation on service delivery is not moderated by the preconsultation physician or the physician pair characteristics. Our findings offer important implications for physicians, OHPs, and policymakers in improving online healthcare outcomes.
This is a Pre-Conference talk for The 17th China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM 2024). About the Speaker ZHAO Anqi is a Ph.D. candidate in Information Systems, supervised by Prof. TANG Qian. Her general research interests are in IT-enabled services on online healthcare platforms. Her recent research focuses on crowdsourcing preconsultation.