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The rise of A.I.

In an interview, Professor of Information Systems Lau Hoong Chuin questioned whether the progress in Artificial intelligence (A.I.) seen so far is going to be sustained in the future. He said that unless a new model of computation and a new system of mathematical logic are found, a complexity barrier will be reached and that’s when the growth of A.I. will taper off. Prof Lau and his team developed a theme park app which is capable of planning on behalf of the individual by taking his/her preferences as well as the environment into consideration. He warned that as we have smarter and smarter machines and apps, humans are getting increasingly reliant on those machines to help us with decision-making. Humans have the innate capability to make decisions, to be creative and to think critically. We need to constantly remind ourselves of these aspects so that we do not fall into the temptation of allowing machines to take over our lives.