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A running battle to secure the cyberworld

In a special feature, SMU Professor of Information Systems and Director of Secure Mobile Centre Robert Deng shared his views on the state of cyber security today, where he discussed the key cyber security issues facing companies and the challenges in managing cyber security risks at the workplace. Prof Deng is concerned that companies do not take cyber security seriously enough as he noted that companies care about security only when their systems get attacked and their business suffers, or when their hand is forced by regulations. On the heightened risks with so many things connected to the Internet, Prof Deng warned that the consequences will be catastrophic if someone successfully hacks into the traffic system or into a nuclear plant. Given the belief that a major cyber-attack is inevitable, Prof Deng and other experts around the world are developing new technologies to strengthen cyber security. One project he is working on is an authentication system that detects a person's face and not just a picture of it. The article also mentioned that Prof Deng’s efforts in cyber-security research have won him numerous accolades, including the Lee Kuan Yew Fellow for Research Excellence from SMU in 2006, and the University Outstanding Researcher Award in 1999 from NUS, where he taught for three years.

[Featured Photo: Professor Robert Deng]

ST_20160219_3.pdf (591.91 KB)