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SMU students showcased app for visually handicapped

In a live studio interview with a Chinese current affairs programme, SMU School of Information Systems undergraduates Hu Qunqun and Lu Ning showcased the application, “eyeGuide”, which they had developed for the visually handicapped in Singapore. Qunqun shared that she and her teammates decided to develop the app after attending an Internet of Things (IoT) course at SMU in August last year. The course aims to train students to apply their knowledge of IoT to design cost-efficient intelligent systems to help Singapore fulfil its vision to be a Smart Nation. A volunteer with the Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped, Qunqun observed that the visually handicapped face many challenges in their daily activities, and this had inspired her to develop an app that would enable them to lead a more meaningful and independent life. Lu Ning also spoke about the key challenges he and teammates faced in the process of developing the app and demonstrated how it is used. The eyeGuide app can track a user's location and, by communicating with sensors installed at various places, it can verbally update a person about his surroundings and where he is. eyeGuide also tracks the most popular places the visually disabled visit and the paths they take.