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TechSkills Accelerator in Fintech

SMU Vice Provost (Undergraduate Matters) & OUB Chair Professor of Finance Lim Kian Guan was interviewed on Capital 958FM where he shared about the TechSkills Accelerator (TeSA) FinTech Collective and SMU’s efforts in developing industry-ready undergraduates and working professionals. The TeSA FinTech Collective is a landmark partnership forged between the government together with the local universities and the financial industry to help Singaporeans acquire relevant infocomm technology (ICT) skills needed in our emerging FinTech industry. Undergraduates can apply to the University’s School of Information Systems, which conducts a range of ICT related modules and programmes. For working professionals, they can look to SMU Academy for continuous learning in the FinTech areas, and are supported by the government through the SkillsFuture initiative.