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Technology should benefit all of society: German President

In his speech at the Ho Rih Hwa Leadership Lecture organised by SMU, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier highlighted the ways that Germany and Singapore can work together to steer the digital revolution to benefit society as a whole rather than to profit a few. He cited four areas of co-operation, with innovation being key for both countries’ success. This hinges on technological leadership, research and a highly skilled workforce, he added. Dr Steinmeier shared that steps have been taken for such collaboration between the two countries' universities, research institutes and businesses. However, he believed that people must not be left behind as technological change sweeps society.

Addressing an 800-strong audience comprising students, educators, government officials and diplomats at the event held at SMU School of Law, he challenged his audience to think about the future they want for their own countries. Dr Steinmeier also spoke about how the ideal of Western liberal democracy has been challenged by issues in the European Union and the United States.

In its ninth edition, the Ho Rih Hwa Leadership Lecture Series seeks to inspire students and the public with the views and valuable opinions of accomplished entrepreneurs, business and political leaders from within and beyond the Asia-Pacific region.