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Vingroup partners with SMU to nurture technology talents with S$10 million gift

Singapore, 16 August 2019 (Friday) – Vingroup, the largest private corporation in Vietnam, has pledged a term contribution of SG$10 million to Singapore Management University (SMU) to establish the Vingroup Young Talent Scholarship to nurture technology talents.

Vice Chairwoman of Vingroup, Madam Le Mai Lan, and SMU President, Professor Lily Kong, signed a Memorandum of Intent (MOI) at SMU today. Also present at the event were HE Tao Thi Thanh Huong, Vietnam’s Ambassador to Singapore, as well as senior management and staff from SMU.

The sealing of this partnership came after both parties signed a Memorandum of Understanding in Hanoi last October to collaborate on research and development, capacity building, as well as executive and professional development programmes.

SMU President, Professor Lily Kong, said, “SMU is pleased and grateful to sign a Memorandum of Intent to receive this gift to establish the Vingroup Young Talent Scholarship at SMU. The gift is especially significant to the University as it is the first time that our School of Information Systems’ postgraduate programmes have received a gift of such a substantial amount. This gift is a strong testament of the confidence Vingroup has in our programmes. It is also the first time that a scholarship programme has been made available solely to postgraduate Vietnamese students studying in SMU.”

Madam Le Mai Lan, Vingroup’s Vice-Chairwoman, said, “We are delighted to collaborate on a larger extent with one of the esteemed universities like SMU. This partnership will go a long way towards our common vision of uplifting education and research to tackle the challenges faced by society in the Asian century. The outstanding point of SMU is that the University not only provides students with science and technology knowledge but also equips them with system thinking and problem solving skills from the perspective of a leader, a manager. We are confident that this Scholarship Programme will train talented technology specialists who are experts in their field and have strong passion for management and entrepreneurship, coming back to contribute to the development of the knowledge economy of the country.”

Vingroup Young Talent Scholarship

Up to twelve non-bonded Scholarships per year will be offered from Academic Year 2019/2020 to Academic Year 2023/2024.

Applicants have to be full-time students who are enrolled in one of the following postgraduate programmes at SMU’s School of Information Systems:

  • Master of IT in Business;
  • Master of Science in Computing;
  • Master of Philosophy in Information Systems;
  • PhD in Information Systems; or
  • PhD in Computer Science.

The applicants are of Vietnamese origin. In addition to good academic results, applicants have to demonstrate a desire to excel in research and commit to returning to Vietnam to contribute to the country’s development.

The Scholarship will fully fund a recipient’s tuition fees and monthly living allowances. Successful recipients of the Scholarship may be offered internship and/or recruitment opportunities by Vingroup.

Photo caption: Vice Chairwoman of Vingroup, Madam Le Mai Lan (seated left), and SMU President, Professor Lily Kong (seated right), signed a Memorandum of Intent (MOI) at SMU today. Witnessing the signing were (L-R) Professor Vu Duong, Member of Vingroup’s Scientific Advisory Board; Her Excellency Tao Thi Thanh Huong, Vietnam’s Ambassador to Singapore; and Professor Pang Hwee Hwa, Dean of SMU School of Information Systems.


For more information, please contact

Teo Chang Ching (Mr)

Senior Assistant Director

Corporate Communications

DID: 6828 0451
