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Milk goes green!

OpenGov Asia is always seeking to recognise and promote leaders of innovation. This pursuit has led to a partnership with SMU Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IIE), which provides support and a platform for budding innovators. Following a feature on Anzene, OpenGov Asia interacted with TurtleTree Labs, another innovative team at SMU IIE which came up with a revolutionary technology to enable the production of clean milk using a laboratory process that bypasses the environmental degradation and simultaneously addresses animal welfare issues of industrial dairy. SMU School of Information Systems alumna Fengru Liu, who is the co-founder of TurtleTree Labs, shares how she started on her journey for clean milk and how the company transformed their vision into reality. TurtleTree Labs is currently enrolled in SMU IIE’s flagship incubation programme, Business Innovations Generator and was awarded the HSBC-SMU Sustainability & Innovation Grant.

[Featured Photo: Fengru Lin with Max Rye]