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Developing online business strategy with millennials through partnership with university

In a commentary, SMU Assistant Professor of Accounting (Education) Yuanto Kusnadi and SMU Associate Professor of Accounting (Education) and Associate Dean for Undergraduate Admissions and Student Development Gary Pan advised businesses to develop online business strategy with millennials through partnerships with universities, as the Covid-19 pandemic has brought about a significant shift in shopping behaviour from offline to online among Singaporean consumers. A collaboration between businesses and SMU through its SMU-X initiative, which was launched in 2015, is a business-university partnership model that has worked well so far. For example, since 2017, several businesses have taken up the opportunity to collaborate with SMU School of Accountancy in one of its courses – Accounting for Entrepreneurship. Using VV Technology, an AI-driven technology company founded in Singapore, as a case study, the authors showed how the company and SMU students have benefitted from the collaboration.