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Starting salary of computing graduates now on a par with law and medicine graduates

Dean of the School of Computing and Information Systems (SCIS) Professor Pang Hwee Hwa said, “The School of Computing and Information Systems has been increasing our intake of undergraduates and postgraduates over the years. We have launched and refreshed our education programmes in response to emerging technologies and market demands in order to stay relevant to the industry. Our programmes have gained a reputation for quality and rigour among employers and prospective students. They are confident that SCIS graduates are industry-ready, innovation-enabled solution developers who are trained to use emerging technologies such as Financial Technology, Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things to develop solutions that create value to business and society.” SMU alumna Lim Li Xuan, a technology analyst at Accenture, who graduated from SCIS in May last year, shares why she took up computing and information systems at SMU and how she hopes to contribute to society using her computing skills.