About the Event
If you’re keen to make your mark in an industry where Innovation is the gamechanger, then you will not want to miss this. Singapore is ranked the World’s Top Maritime Capital and developments in Maritime Technology are pivotal for us to stay ahead of the curve. Join us for an exclusive tour of the Maritime Innovation Lab - a new purpose-built developer space that enables experimentation and the test-bedding of innovative port services and intelligent ship operations. Find out more about the digital transformation of Singapore’s maritime industry and the diverse career opportunities available. This event is organised by the Maritime Singapore Connect Office, in partnership with the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore.
Programme Outline
2.00pm |
Welcome Remarks from the Organisers
2.05pm |
An overview of Maritime Singapore by Ms Fang Chu Wen, Executive (Maritime Singapore Connect Office), Singapore Maritime Foundation
2.10pm |
MaritimeONE Scholarships Programme by Ms Cassandra Koh, Executive (Education & Training and the MaritimeONE Secretariat), Singapore Maritime Foundation
2.15pm |
Tour around Maritime Innovation Lab and Wartsila's Global Acceleration Centre
3.25pm |
Driving Digital Transformation in the Maritime Sector by Mr Andrew Tan, Senior Manager (Maritime Technology Ecosystem), Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore
3.40pm |
Refreshments and Networking
4.30pm |
End of Event
About the Maritime Singapore Connect (MSC) Office
The Maritime Singapore Connect (MSC) Office is a national initiative, supported by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), to profile the maritime industry and connect students and jobseekers with the multiple pathways into the industry.
Started in 2016, the unit under the Singapore Maritime Foundation (SMF) works in close partnership with maritime employers, industry associations, the government and schools at various levels to provide Singaporeans with easy access to maritime education, training and job opportunities.
For more information, please visit www.maritimesgconnect.com or contact us at msc@sgmf.com.sg
About the Maritime Innovation Lab (MIL)
Singapore has one of the world’s busiest hub port and waterways, which present the most demanding environment that helps spur innovative ideas and solutions. The Maritime Innovation Lab (MIL) launched by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore in April 2019 aims to create an environment that enables experimentation and the test-bedding of innovative port services and intelligent ship operations. It also supports the Sea Transport Industry Transformation Map through encouraging open innovation and R&D partnerships. In addition, it includes the co-location of maritime companies in the same vicinity, such as Wartsila’s Global Acceleration Centre. This new developer space will accelerate the development of new operation concepts and systems, and build local technological capabilities in key areas, ensuring that our sea port is future-ready. Industry partners, research institutes and local universities will be able to plug in to the test beds, data hub and regulatory sandbox to develop their own maritime solutions and capabilities.
Some examples of the R&D projects and innovative solutions: Next Generation Vessel Traffic Management System (NGVTMS) Lab, Remotely Assisted Pilotage Advisory (RAPA), Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) and Singapore Maritime Data Hub (SG-MDH). Find out more details of the specific projects and relevant partners involved here.

Explore more about maritime opportunities at www.maritimesgconnect.com
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