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Honoring Asia's Best Science Writers

SMU School of Information Systems Dean, Vice Provost (Research) and Professor of Information Systems (Practice) Steven Miller was part of a panel of five judges at the inaugural Asian Scientist Writing Prize. Professor Miller also participated in a panel discussion on the opportunities and challenges for science in Asia during the award ceremony held on July 27.

[Photo: A panel session on the opportunities and challenges for scicnce in Asia. From Ieft to righl: Professor Lim Tit Meng, CEO. Science Centre Singapore; Dr. Benjamin Seet. Executive Direclor. Biomedical Research Council. A*STAR: Profcssor Steven Miller, Vice Provost (Research) and Dean of the School of Information Systems, SMU; Assocate Professor Shîrley Ho. Wee Kim Wee School of Communicalion and lnfonnation. NTU; and Nanyang Assislantl Professor Juliana Chan, Editor-în-Chief of Asîan Scientist Magazine.

Photo credit: Cyril Ng/Asian Scientist Magazine]